Mining 1-525

WoW Mining Guide 1-525

Mining This WoW Mining Guide details what to mine or smelt while leveling Mining from levels 1 to 525 in the World of Warcraft. Mining is one of the 3 primary gathering professions, and gathering professions tend to provide a strong gold income. Mining complements a number of the crafting professions well, including Blacksmithing, Engineering and Jewelcrafting.
Updated for WoW patch 4.0.6
Mining also grants the passive trait Toughness, which increases your stamina (details at the end of this guide).

Mining Guide Shortcuts

In order to find ore to mine, enable the Find Minerals option on your minimap, by right-clicking on the icon second from the top on the left hand side of the minimap and selecting Find Minerals.
If the ore can be mined it will have a color coded property that shows this when you hover your mouse pointer over it.
Red – Mining level not yet high enough to mine this ore
Orange - High chance of increasing Mining level when mining this ore
Yellow - Moderate chance of increasing Mining level when mining this ore
Green - Low chance of increasing Mining level when mining this ore
Gray – No chance of increasing Mining level when mining this ore
All of the ‘Mined From’ links for ores in this guide will take you to maps on Wowhead that show you all the zones where the ore can be found, which zone has the highest concentration of each ore, and where the ores can be found within each zone, so as that you can create a mining route that best suits you.

Mining Trainers

Rank Faction Trainer Location
Apprentice Alliance Iranis Shadebloom Dolanaar, Teldrassil
Jack “All-Trades” Derrington Greyman Court, Gilneas City & around Gilneas
Lien Farner Goldshire, Elwynn Forest
Valn Azure Watch, Azuremyst Isle
Wembil Taskwidget Kharanos, Dun Morogh
Horde Lalum Darkmane Bloodhoof Village, Mulgore
Nedric Sallow Brill, Tirisfal Glades
Runda Razor Hill, Durotar
Saren 2nd floor of the Inn on Falconwing Square, Eversong Woods
Therisa Sallow Calston Estate, Tirisfal Glades
Horde KTC Train-a-Tron Deluxe Around Lost Isles
KTC Train-a-Tron Deluxe Bilgewater Harbor, Azshara
Grand Master
Illustrious Grand Master
Alliance Brock Stoneseeker Thelsamar, Loch Modan
Dank Drizzlecut Gol’Bolar Quarry, Dun Morogh
Dulvi Azure Watch, Azuremyst Isle
Fendrig Redbeard Valiance Keep, Borean Tundra
Gelman Stonehand The Dwarven District, Stormwind
Geofram Bouldertoe The Great Forge, Ironforge
Grumbol Stoutpick Valgarde, Howling Fjord
Hurnak Grimmord Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula
Matt Johnson Darkshire, Duskwood
Muaat The Trader’s Tier, The Exodar
Periale Lor’Danel, Darkshore
Prospector Nachlan Blood Watch, Bloodmyst Isle
Yarr Hammerstone Stellgrill’s Depot, Dun Morogh
Horde Belil Farstrider’s Square, Silvermoon
Brek Stonehoof Lower Rise, Thunder Bluff
Brom Killian The War Quarter, Undercity
Brunna Ironaxe Warsong Hold, Borean Tundra
Gonto The Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar
Johan Focht The Sepulcher, Silverpine Forest
Jonathan Lewis Vengeance Landing, Howling Fjord
Krugosh Thrallmar, Hellfire Peninsula
Krunn Razor Hill, Durotar
Makaru The Valley of Honor, Orgrimmar
Neutral Fono Aldor Rise, Shattrath
Hanlir Scryer’s Tier, Shattrath
Jedidiah Handers Magus Commerce Exchange, Dalaran
Pikkle Gadgetzan, Tanaris

Leveling Mining 1-75

Learn Apprentice Mining from a Mining trainer
Purchase a Mining Pick from a general vendor
Levels Recommended Locations Ore Mined From
1-65 Azuremyst Isle, Darkshore, Dun Morogh, Durotar, Elwynn Forest, Eversong Woods, Mulgore or Tirisfal Glades Mine Copper Ore Copper Vein
66-75 Hillsbrad Foothills, Redridge Mountains, The Barrens or Thousand Needles Mine Tin Ore Tin Vein
Levels Action Reagents Result
1-65 Smelt Copper Copper Ore Copper Bar
66-75 Smelt Tin Tin Ore Tin Bar

Leveling Mining 76-150

Learn Journeymen Mining from a Mining trainer
At level 65 learn Smelt Bronze and Smelt Tin from a Mining Trainer
At level 75 learn Smelt Silver from a Mining Trainer
Levels Recommended Locations Ore Mined From
76-125 Arathi Highlands, Hillsbrad Foothills, The Barrens or Thousand Needles Mine Tin Ore Tin Vein
Mine Silver Ore Silver Vein
126-150 Arathi Highlands, Stranglethorn Vale or Thousand Needles Mine Iron Ore Iron Deposit
Levels Action Reagents Result
76-115 Smelt Bronze Copper Bar
Tin Bar
2 x Bronze Bar
Smelt Silver Silver Ore Silver Bar
116-125 Smelt Silver Silver Ore Silver Bar
125-150 Smelt Iron Iron Ore Iron Bar

Leveling Mining 151-225

Level 10 Character Required
Learn Expert Mining from a Mining trainer
At level 125 learn Smelt Iron from a Mining trainer
At level 155 learn Smelt Gold from a Mining trainer
At level 175 learn Smelt Mithril from a Mining trainer
Levels Recommended Locations Ore Mined From
151-155 Arathi Highlands, Stranglethorn Vale or Thousand Needles Mine Iron Ore Iron Deposit
156-175 Arathi Highlands, Badlands, Desolace, Stranglethorn Vale, Tanaris or The Hinterlands Mine Gold Ore Gold Vein
Mine Iron Ore Iron Deposit
176-200 Badlands, Tanaris or The Hinterlands Mine Gold Ore Gold Vein
Mine Mithril Ore Mithril Deposit
201-225 Badlands, Tanaris or The Hinterlands Mine Mithril Ore Mithril Deposit
Levels Action Reagents Result
151-155 Smelt Iron Iron Ore Iron Bar
156-175 Smelt Gold Gold Ore Gold Bar
176-200 Smelt Mithril Mithril Ore Mithril Bar
201-225 Smelt Mithril Mithril Ore Mithril Bar

Leveling Mining 226-300

Level 25 Character required
Learn Artisan Mining from a Mining trainer
At level 230 learn Smelt Thorium and Smelt Truesilver from a Mining trainer
At level 275 learn Smelt Fel Iron from a Mining trainer
Levels Recommended Locations Ore Mined From
226-230 Badlands, Tanaris or The Hinterlands Mine Mithril Ore Mithril Deposit
231-245 Burning Steppes or Searing Gorge Mine Dark Iron Ore Dark Iron Deposit
Tanaris, The Hinterlands or Winterspring Mine Truesilver Ore Truesilver Deposit
246-275 Burning Steppes or Searing Gorge Mine Dark Iron Ore Dark Iron Deposit
Silithus, Un’Goro Crater or Winterspring Mine Thorium Ore Small Thorium Vein
Tanaris, The Hinterlands or Winterspring Mine Truesilver Ore Truesilver Deposit
276-300 Eastern Plaguelands, Silithus, Un’Goro Crater or Winterspring Mine Thorium Ore Small Thorium Vein
Rich Thorium Vein
Levels Action Reagents Result
226-230 Smelt Mithril Mithril Ore Mithril Bar
231-275 1Smelt Dark Iron 8 x Dark Iron Ore Dark Iron Bar
Smelt Thorium Thorium Ore Thorium Bar
Smelt Truesilver Truesilver Ore Truesilver Bar
276-300 Smelt Fel Iron 2 x Fel Iron Ore Fel Iron Bar
1Requires you to complete the quest The Spectral Chalice to learn and can only be smelted at the Black Forge in Blackrock Depths

Leveling Mining 301-375

Level 40 Character required
Learn Master Mining from a Master Mining trainer
At level 325 learn Smelt Adamantite from a Mining trainer
At level 350 learn Smelt Cobalt from a Mining trainer
Levels Recommended Locations Ore Mined From
301-325 Hellfire Peninsula or Zangamarsh Mine Fel Iron Ore Fel Iron Deposit
Eastern Plaguelands or Winterspring Mine Thorium Ore Rich Thorium Vein
326-350 Blade’s Edge Mountains, Nagrand, Netherstorm or Shadowmoon Valley Mine Adamantite Ore Adamantite Deposit
Mine Fel Iron Ore Fel Iron Deposit
351-375 Nagrand, Netherstorm or Shadowmoon Valley Mine Adamantite Ore Adamantite Deposit
Rich Adamantite Deposit
Borean Tundra, Dragonblight, Howling Fjord or Zul’Drak Mine Cobalt Ore Cobalt Deposit
Levels Action Reagents Result
301-325 Smelt Fel Iron 2 x Fel Iron Ore Fel Iron Bar
325-340 Smelt Adamantite 2 x Adamantite Ore Adamantite Bar
You can’t gain any Mining levels from 341-350 with Smelting – you must mine ore
351-375 Smelt Cobalt Cobalt Ore Cobalt Bar

Leveling Mining 376-450

Level 55 Character required
Level 65 Character required to mine deposits in Northrend zones
Learn Grand Master Mining from a Mining trainer
At level 425 learn Smelt Obsidium from a Mining trainer
Levels Recommended Locations Ore Mined From
376-400 Borean Tundra, Dragonblight, Howling Fjord or Zul’Drak Mine Cobalt Ore Cobalt Deposit
Rich Coblat Deposit
401-425 Borean Tundra, Dragonblight, Howling Fjord or Zul’Drak Mine Cobalt Ore Cobalt Deposit
Rich Coblat Deposit
Icecrown, Sholazar Basin or The Storm Peaks Mine Saronite Ore Saronite Deposit
426-450 Borean Tundra, Dragonblight, Howling Fjord or Zul’Drak Mine Cobalt Ore Cobalt Deposit
Rich Coblat Deposit
Icecrown, Sholazar Basin or The Storm Peaks Mine Saronite Ore Saronite Deposit
Rich Saronite Deposit
Abyssal Depths, Deepholm, Kelp’thar Forest, Mount Hyjal or Shimmering Expanse Mine Obsidium Ore Obsidium Deposit
Levels Action Reagents Result
You can’t gain any Mining levels from 375-425 with Smelting – you must mine ore
425-450 Smelt Obsidium 2 x Obsidium Ore Obsidium Bar

Leveling Mining 451-525

Level 75 Character required
Learn Illustious Grand Master Mining from a Mining trainer
At level 475 learn Smelt Elementium from a Mining trainer
At level 500 learn Smelt Hardened Elementium from a Mining trainer
Levels Recommended Locations Ore Mined From
451-475 Icecrown, Sholazar Basin or The Storm Peaks Mine Saronite Ore Saronite Deposit
Rich Saronite Deposit
Icecrown, Sholazar Basin or The Storm Peaks Mine Titanium Ore Titanium Vein
Abyssal Depths, Deepholm, Kelp’thar Forest, Mount Hyjal or Shimmering Expanse Mine Obsidium Ore Obsidium Deposit
Rich Obsidium Deposit
476-500 Abyssal Depths, Deepholm, Kelp’thar Forest, Mount Hyjal or Shimmering Expanse Mine Obsidium Ore Obsidium Deposit
Rich Obsidium Deposit
Deepholm, Twilight Highlands or Uldum Mine Elementium Ore Elementium Vein
501-525 Deepholm, Twilight Highlands or Uldum Mine Elementium Ore Elementium Vein
Rich Elementium Vein
Levels Action Reagents Result
451-475 Smelt Obsidium 2 x Obsidium Ore Obsidium Bar
476-500 Smelt Elementium 2 x Elementium Ore Elementium Bar
501-525 Smelt Hardened Elementium 10 x Elementium Bar
4 x Volatile Earth
Hardened Elementium Bar


Toughness This is a passive trait, exclusive to characters that train Mining, and it provides a stamina bonus that scales with Mining levels.
Rank 1: +3 Stamina (requires Mining level 75)
Rank 2: +5 Stamina (requires Mining level 150)
Rank 3: +7 Stamina (requires Mining level 225)
Rank 4: +10 Stamina (requires Mining level 300)
Rank 5: +30 Stamina (requires Mining level 375)
Rank 6: +60 Stamina (requires Mining level 450)
Rank 7: +120 Stamina (requires Mining level 525)
I hoped you found this WoW Mining Leveling Guide useful and that it has helped you on your way to level 525. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think.