WoW skinning 1-525

WoW Skinning Guide 1-525

Skinning This WoW Skinning Guide covers training your Skinning levels from 1 to 525 and details where to skin while leveling Skinning in World of Warcraft. Skinning is one of the 3 primary gathering professions, and gathering professions tend to provide a strong gold income. Skinning complements the Leatherworking profession very well, as the leather, hide and scale collected from Skinning can be used to make armor.
Updated for WoW patch 4.0.6
Skinning also grants the passive trait Master of Anatomy, which provides a bonus to a character’s critical strike rating (details at the end of this guide).

Skinning Guide Shortcuts

In order to skin a beast, you need to have killed it AND looted it. You are also able to skin beasts that other players have killed AND looted. You also need to be carrying a skinning knife (doesn’t need to be equipped). If a beast can be skinned it will have a color coded property that shows this when you hover your mouse pointer over it.
Red – Skinning level not yet high enough to skin this beast
Orange – High chance of increasing Skinning level when skinning this beast
Yellow – Moderate chance of increasing Skinning level when skinning this beast
Green – Low chance of increasing Skinning level when skinning this beast
Gray – No chance of increasing Skinning level when skinning this beast
The following formulas allow you to calculate the highest level beasts you can skin:
Up to level 100 – (Skinning Level/10)+10, for example, at skinning level 40: 40/10 + 10 = level 14 beasts
Above level 100 – Skinning Level/5, for example, at skinning level 140: 140/5 = level 28 beasts

Skinning Trainers

Rank Faction Trainer Location
Apprentice Alliance Iranis Shadebloom Dolanaar, Teldrassil
Jack “All-Trades” Derrington Greyman Court, Gilneas City & around Gilneas
Lien Farner Goldshire, Elwynn Forest
Valn Azure Watch, Azuremyst Isle
Wembil Taskwidget Kharanos, Dun Morogh
Horde Lalum Darkmane Bloodhoof Village, Mulgore
Nedric Sallow Brill, Tirisfal Glades
Runda Razor Hill, Durotar
Saren 2nd floor of the Inn on Falconwing Square, Eversong Woods
Therisa Sallow Calston Estate, Tirisfal Glades
Horde KTC Train-a-Tron Deluxe Around Lost Isles
KTC Train-a-Tron Deluxe Bilgewater Harbor, Azshara
Grand Master
Illustrious Grand Master
Alliance Balthus Stoneflayer The Great Forge, Ironforge
Eladriel Craftmen’s Terrace, Darnassus
Frederic Burrhus Valgarde, Howling Fjord
Gurf Stillpine Hold, Azuremyst Isle
Helen Peltskinner Goldshire, Elwynn Forest
Jelena Nightsky Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula
Maris Granger Old Town, Stormwind
Radnaal Maneweaver Northwest of Ban’ethil Hollow, Teldrassil
Remere The Traders Tier, The Exodar
Trapper Jack Valiance Keep, Borean Tundra
Wilma Ranthal Stonewatch Falls, Redridge Mountains
Horde Killian Hagey The Rogue’s Quarter, Undercity
Kulleg Stonehorn Camp Mojache, Feralas
Malux Shadowprey Village, Desolace
Mathreyn West of the Shepherd’s Gate, Eversong Woods
Mooranta Middle Rise, Thunder Bluff
Moorutu Thrallmar, Hellfire Peninsula
Rand Rhobart Southeast of Brill, Tirisfal Glades
Rento The Valley of Wisdom, Orgrimmar
Roberta Jacks Vengeance Landing, Howling Fjord
Thuwd The Drag, Orgrimmar
Tiponi Stormwhisper Taunka’le Village, Borean Tundra
Tyn Walk of Elders, Silvermoon
Yonn Deepcut Bloofhoof Village, Mulgore
Neutral Derik Marks Magus Commerce Exchange, Dalaran
Dremm Aldor Rise, Shattrath
Seymour Lower City, Shattrath

Leveling Skinning 1-70

Learn Apprentice Skinning from a Skinning trainer
Purchase a Skinning Knife from a Goods vendor
Levels Race What to Skin Location
1-35 Dreanei Infected Nightstalker Runt
North of Azure Watch, Azuremyst Isle
Crag Boar
Elder Crag Boar
Snow Leopard
Around Kharanos and Brewnall Village, Dun Morogh
Humans Mangy Wolf
Rockhide Boar
Young Forest Bear
Around Goldshire, Elwynn Forest
Night Elves Elder Nightsaber
Nightsaber Stalker
Around Teldrassil
36-70 Dreanei Grizzled Brown Bear Around Blood Watch, Bloodmyst Isle
Elder Black Bear
Mountain Boar
North of Thelsamar, Loch Modan
Humans Coyote
Coyote Packleader
Young Goretusk
Around Saldean’s Farm, Westfall
Night Elves Foreststrider Fledgling
Thistle Bear
Around Auberdine, Teldrassil
1-35 Blood Elves Springpaw Stalker West of Fairbreeze Village, Eversong Woods
Elder Springpaw Around Farstider Reatreat, Eversong Woods
Bloodtalon Scythemaw
Dreadmaw Crocolisk
Elder Mottled Boar
Venomtail Scorpid
North and west part of Durotar
Tauren Elder Plainstrider
Flatland Cougar
Flatland Prowler
Kodo Calf
Prairie Wolf Alpha
Around Thunder Bluff, Mulgore
Undead Cursed Darkhound
Decripit Darkhound
Greater Duskbat
Around Brill, Tirisfal Glades
Ravenous Darkhound
Vampiric Duskbat
South of Scarlet Monastery, Tirisfal Glades
36-70 Blood Elves Mistbat
Starving Ghostclaw
North of Tranquillien, Ghostlands
Fleeting Plainstrider
Greater Plainstrider
Savannah Huntress
Sunscale Lashtail
Around Crossroads, The Barrens
Undead Ferocious Grizzled Bear
Giant Grizzled Bear
Moonrage Whitescalp
Mottled Worg
Along north and central part of the main road through Silverpine Forest

Leveling Skinning 70-130

Learn Journeyman Skinning from a Skinning trainer
Levels Race What to Skin Location
71-100 Drenai Elder Brown Bear
Enraged Ravager
West side of Bloodmyst Isle
Elder Mountain Boar
Grizzled Black Bear
Loch Crocolisk
Mangy Mountain Boar
South and east side of Loch Modan
Humans Goretusk Around Sentinel Hill, Westfall
Great Goretusk Around Sentinel Hill, Westfall or Southeast part of Redridge Mountains
Night Elves Foreststrider
Rabid Thistle Bear
North of Bashal’Aran or around Grove of the Ancients, Darkshore
101-130 All Ghostpaw Runner
Wild Buck
Northwest of Maestra’s Post, Ashenvale
Rabid Dire Wolf
Starving Dire Wolf
North and west edges of Duskwood
71-100 Blood Elves Ghostclaw Lynx
Ghostclaw Ravager
Vampiric Mistbat
South and southeast part of Ghostlands
Barrens Giraffe
Hecklefang Hyena
Ornery Plainstrider
Savannah Prowler
Sunscale Screecher
Zhevra Runner
Wide circle around Crossroads, The Barrens
Undead Bloodsnout Worg
Moonrage Bloodhowler
East of Pyrewood Village, Silverpine Forest
101-130 All Barrens Kodo
Hecklefang Snarler
Thunderhawk Hatchling
Around Camp Taurajo, The Barrens

Leveling Skinning 130-225

Level 10 Character required
Learn Expert Skinning from a Skinning trainer
Levels What to Skin Recommended Locations
131-155 Giant Wetlands Crocolisk
Highland Lashtail
Highland Raptor
Higland Scytheclaw
Mottled Raptor
Mottled Screecher
Mottled Scytheclaw
Wetlands Crocolisk
Young Wetlands Crocolisk
Around Wetlands
Elder Gray Bear
Gray Bear
Starving Mountain Lion
Vicious Gray Bear
Between Tarren Mill and Hillsbrad Fields, Hillsbrad Foothills
156-180 Feral Mountain Lion Southeast part of Hillsbrad Foothills
Snapjaw Along the river between Southshore and Tarren Mill, Hillsbrad Foothills
Cave Yeti
Ferocious Yeti
The Yeti Cave, Hillsbrad Foothills
181-210 Bloodscalp Tiger
Elder Stranglethorn Tiger
Lashtail Raptor
Mistvale Gorilla
Saltwater Crocolisk
Stranglethorn Raptor
Stranglethorn Tiger
North of Grom’gol Base Camp, Stranglethorn Vale
211-225 Elder Mistvale Gorilla
Elder Shadowmaw Panther
Jungle Stalker
Around Gurabashi Arena, Stranglethorn Vale

Leveling Skinning 226-300

Level 25 Character required
Learn Artisan Skinning from a Skinning trainer
Levels What to Skin Recommended Locations
226-250 Elder Mistvale Gorilla
Elder Shadowmaw Panther
Jungle Stalker
Around Gurabashi Arena, Stranglethorn Vale
251-275 Ashmane Boar
Scorpok Stinger
Snickerfang Hyena
Starving Snickerfang
Northwest and central parts of Blasted Lands
276-300 Felbeast
Around The Dark Portal, Blasted Lands

Leveling Skinning 301-375

Level 40 Character required
Learn Master Skinning from a Skinning trainer
Levels What to Skin Recommended Locations
301-315 Deranged Helboar
Starving Helboar
Southeast and southwest of Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula
316-330 Hulking Helboar
Quillfang Ravager
Quillfang Skitterer
West of Falcon Watch, Hellfire Peninsula
331-370 Clefthoof Bull
Talbuk Thorngrazer
West of Garadar, Nagrand
371-375 Wooly Rhino Bull
Wooly Rhino Calf
Wooly Rhino Matriach
Between Warsong Hold and Amber Ledge, Borean Tundra

Leveling Skinning 376-450

Level 55 Character required
Learn Grand Master Skinning from a Skinning trainer
Levels What to Skin Recommended Locations
376-400 Wooly Rhino Bull
Wooly Rhino Calf
Wooly Rhino Matriach
Between Warsong Hold and Amber Ledge, Borean Tundra
Shoveltusk Calf
Shoveltusk Forager
Shoveltusk Stag
Around Howling Fjord
401-450 Hardknuckle Charger
Hardknuckle Forager
Southeast of Frenzyheart Hill, Sholazar Basin
Shardhorn Rhino North of Nesingwary Base Camp, Sholazar Basin
Shattertusk Bull
Shattertusk Calf
Around The Glimmering Pillar, Sholazar Basin

Leveling Skinning 451-525

Level 75 Character required
Learn Illustrious Grand Master Skinning from a Skinning trainer
Levels What to Skin Recommended Locations
451-525 Twilight Dragonkin
Twilight Dragonkin Armorer
Sethria’s Roost, Mount Hyjal
Splitclaw Skitterer Between Legion’s Fate and Seafarer’s Tomb, Kelp’thar Forest
Riverbed Crocolisk Along river banks in Uldum

Master of Anatomy

Master of Anatomy This is a passive trait, exclusive to characters that train Skinning, and it provides a critical strike bonus that scales with Skinning levels.
Rank 1: +3 Critical Strike rating (requires Skinning level 75)
Rank 2: +6 Critical Strike rating (requires Skinning level 150)
Rank 3: +9 Critical Strike rating (requires Skinning level 225)
Rank 4: +12 Critical Strike rating (requires Skinning level 300)
Rank 5: +20 Critical Strike rating (requires Skinning level 375)
Rank 6: +40 Critical Strike rating (requires Skinning level 450)
Rank 7: +80 Critical Strike rating (requires Skinning level 525)
The critical strike bonus applies to melee, ranged and spell.
I hoped you found this WoW Skinning Leveling Guide useful and that it has helped you on your way to level 525. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think.